EAP - Finish Course Early Request

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This form must be used when a student has met their formal RMIT University program English language condition. This may be by completing their required English for Acdemic Purposes (EAP) level or submitting new English proficiency results (IELTS/TOEFL/PTE).

If you have a new IELTS, TOEFL, or PTE result, please submit the new results to International Admissions before completing your request to finish your EAP program early.

Contact rmit.up.studentservices@rmit.edu.au if you have any questions.

Your EAP Course

Your Contact Details

Please provide your updated contact details.

Additional Approval Requirements

Tuition Fees and Charges

Finishing your course early may result in an administration charge.

However, you may be eligible for a transfer of your remaining pre-paid EAP tuition fees to your formal RMIT University program.

Please read the applicable Refund and Transfer of Fees information available on the RMIT UP Policies and Procedures page.

  • For offers made on or after 09 November 2023, read the RMIT English Language Program Refund Procedure
  • For offers made prior to 09 November 2023, read the RMIT English Worldwide Refund and Transfer of Fees Instructions and RMIT English Worldwide Refund and Transfer of Fees Procedure

Request for Extra Weeks

If you requested extra weeks in your initial application to RMIT UP, please note that you have agreed to the following:

'I understand that if I change my mind after enrolment and want to shorten my English course, RMIT UP will not refund of transfer my remaining tuition fees under any circumstances.'

Student Declaration

I understand that by submitting this Finish Course Early request form, I am requesting to finish my EAP course early (on the requested date provided) once the English language condition on my formal RMIT University program is lifted.

I understand that RMIT UP will report my early finish to the Department of Home Affairs and that my CoE (Confirmation of Enrolment) will therefore be finished. 

I am advised to seek advice from the Department of Home Affairs on the potential impact on my visa and check the You finished your course early’ information through this link.